Traffic Cameras in School Zone on Big A Road Not Active – Yet

As reported last month by WNEG News, traffic cameras have been installed facing both directions on Big A Road inside the section of road marked as a school zone. Numerous WNEG listeners have contacted us to find out more about the cameras, and WNEG News learned from the Stephen County Sheriff’s Office that the cameras are not yet active. As posted on the SCSO social media account, “photo speed enforcement is coming soon.”

WNEG News spoke briefly with Cpt. Stephen Stewart about the new cameras, and he said that there would be digital signs installed to inform drivers of their speed, and that once the cameras did become active there would be a short initial period where warnings were given to speeders, allowing the community a chance to become accustomed to the new system. 

WNEG News will follow up with The Stephens County Sheriff’s Office for an in-depth look at the new photo speed enforcement cameras and how they work, prior to the activation of the cameras. Stay tuned to WNEG Radio and for that upcoming report.