Toccoa Vice Mayor Receives Certificate of Dedication Award

Toccoa Vice Mayor David Austin received the Certificate of Dedication award from the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute last Sunday during the Georgia Municipal Association’s Annual Convention in Savannah.

Communications and Marketing Director for the Georgia Municipal Association Kelli Bennett said the Dedication Award is the fifth highest level and receiving this award requires extensive training.

In order to receive the certificate, one must have 276 hours of training, including at least 108 hours from a required list of classes, 18 hours of which must be from a new Advanced Leadership track, and the Robert E. Knox, Jr. Municipal Leadership Institute.

After obtaining the Certificate of Dedication, officials must complete nine hours of continuing education each year to maintain the certificate. The training program consists of a series of more than 60 courses.

Bennett notes that Austin went above what was required of him as a city official.

“The Vice Mayor has gone above and beyond as an official to really fulfill all of these credits required for the certification of dedication,” said Bennett.

Austin was one of 10 city officials to receive the Certificate of Dedication at the Annual Convention.

The GMA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that provides legislative advocacy, research, training, employee benefit and technical consulting services to its 521 member cities.