Toccoa Police reminds motorist to watch for children trick-or-treating this Halloween

Today is Halloween, and many kids will be walking door-to-door for trick-or-treating.

However, before leaving the house to take part in the sweet and spooky festivities, Toccoa Police have some safety tips for parents and children.

Toccoa Police Chief Jimmy Mize says one of the biggest dangers to trick-or-treaters is cars.

“We want you to watch out for children who may be accidentally darting out between parked cars, watch for children walking on roadways, medians, and on curbs,” Mize said. “We would like for you to exit and enter out of driveways very carefully and when it gets to the evening hours, we would like you to watch for children that may be wearing dark clothing.”

Mize also suggest that children carry glow sticks or flashlights to increase their visibility to motorist.

Other Halloween safety tips include always carry a flashlight, walking on sidewalks or on the left side of the road facing traffic if there are no sidewalks, and throw away any unwrapped or suspicious candy.