Toccoa City Commission Working to Improve Cemetery

The Toccoa City Commission is working with another committee to create a set of rules and regulations for the cemetery.

City Commissioner Gail Fry explained that currently, there is no written set of rules and regulations for the cemetery. The City Commission wanted to get the community involved to help make these decisions, which is why the committee was appointed.

The Cemetery Committee recommends that a booklet be published for present and future lot owners that would include all the rules and regulations they need to know regarding the cemetery.  Committee member Brenda Kelley said that this would make things easier to refer to when questions arise.

“If somebody in the monument side, the older side needs to look at this for some reason, the booklet is there,” said Kelley. “We hope that when this booklet is published that even the team of guys that work out there would be able to say ‘It’s section 10, number 7 that says I have to do this’ and that’s it.”

The committee also suggested a number of other improvements for the cemetery, including finishing the Veterans Memorial, addition of benches in the newer section, all entrance gates to be closed at night and more.

City Clerk Fredda Wheeler thanked the committee for all their work.

“I would like to personally thank the Cemetery Committee,” said Wheeler. “I can tell you firsthand that they have worked diligently. They’re very dedicated to it.”

The city commission will consider these recommendations for their next meeting.