Toccoa Celebrates Georgia Cities Week With Nod to Police and Firefighters

Toccoa is celebrating Georgia Cities Week all this week.

At their regular meeting Monday, City Commissioners issued a special proclamation in honor of the week.

Sponsored by the Georgia Municipal Association, Georgia Cities Week gives communities the opportunity to share information about the valuable services they provide to residents and how cities positively impact their quality of life.

The week is also an opportunity to celebrate community achievements and recognize volunteers and city employees.

This year’s theme is “Georgia’s Cities: True Colors!”

Accepting the proclamation Monday was Toccoa Main Street Events Coordinator Sharon Crosby says this year Toccoa’s Police and Fire Department will be honored with their own special day.

“This year what we wanted to do is honor our police and firefighters,” she told the Commission. “So, on Friday, the 26th we’re going to have a special day called, ‘Celebrate the Blue and Red.’ In the morning, our police and firefighters will join me and Jan Crawford at Big A Elementary and they will go around and talk to the children.”

Crosby said it’s important to start educating children at an early age on the value and importance of the police and fire fighters and the roles they play in keeping a community safe.

Then, according Crosby, a special reception will be held for them.

“In the afternoon from 3:30p to 5:30p we’re going to have a meet and greet and thank you for our police officers and firefighters. There will be a chance for the community to come and meet them and thank them for all that they do,” Crosby said.

Georgia Cities Week runs through Saturday.