Toccoa Approves Henderson Falls Park Project Resolution
The city of Toccoa is getting ready to get improvements started at Henderson Falls Park.
On Monday, city commissioners unanimously approved a project resolution for the planned improvements.
Toccoa City Manager Billy Morse said the city would like to get started on a couple of different areas as soon as possible.
One of those is lighting that will be put in by Georgia Power, Morse said, while the other project involves landscaping and signage.
Morse went on to say that there is more work planned that will be bid out and brought back before city commissioners down the road.
“We will be coming back to the commission to bid out separate projects for the observation deck and walkway demolition and reconstruction, upgrading the four picnic shelters,” said Morse, who added that fence replacement on the unlighted tennis courts and parking lot and driveway were also included in future projects.
In all, the city estimated that the improvements will cost a total of $237,725.
Toccoa has grant funds of $100,000 to cover part of that cost.
The rest of the cost will be covered by money available in SPLOST V.