Telephone calls threatening arrest for missing jury duty are fraud

If you receive a phone call from someone saying that you must pay a fine for missing jury duty, or face arrest and prosecution – hang  up. 

That is the message that Stephens County Clerk of Superior Court Tim Quick wants the public to know, as word begins to circulate, once again, of fraudulent phone calls made to local citizens threatening exactly that.

Quick spoke yesterday with WNEG News, saying that a resident had called his office about a phone call that supposedly came from court officials, telling him that he had missed jury duty, and that he needed to pay a fine, or face arrest. 

Quick said that, under no circumstances would a public official or staff member call a resident asking for money

He said that this scam has made rounds several times over the years, but that it seems to be more detailed and elaborate in its presentation this time around.

Quick said that the people contacted in this scam are not even scheduled for jury duty, but are led to believe they failed to appear for required service, and will be arrested if they do not pay a fine. 

Quick explained what would happen if an individual did actually miss jury duty, and stressed that it would never include a phone call demanding money, and would not trigger an arrest warrant.


Quick said that any phone call asking for money for missing jury duty can be automatically dismissed, since no one from his office would ever place such a call, but he said that people are welcome to call his office to verify that they are not scheduled to appear for jury duty and have not missed any required jury duty appearances if they do receive one of the fraudulent calls, and it makes them feel more secure to verify with the office.

You can reach the Stephens County Clerk of Courts office at (706) 886-3598.