TCC appoints members to ABC Board, Toccoa Planning Commission

The Toccoa City Commission recently made several appointments to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board and the Toccoa Planning Commission during its meeting on Monday.

According to City Manager Billy Morse, two seats will expire June 30, 2020 on the Alcohol Beverage Control Board.

He says one of those members has agreed to serve another term; whereas, the other has decided to resign.

“Effective June 30, ABC Board Member Melissa Plaisted term of service will expire. Mrs. Plaisted has agreed to serve another three-year term,” Morse said. “Additionally, Board Member Kay Smith’s term service will expire on June 30. Mrs. Smith has tendered her resignation and we ask that you appoint someone to fill that vacant seat. Deidra Scott has agreed to serve if you are interested.”

Toccoa Mayor Terry Carter thanked Plaisted and Smith for their service.

“Well we definitely want to extend our thanks to Mrs. Smith for serving on the board, we appreciate her for being willing to do that and also Mrs. Plaisted to agree to be reappointed,” Carter said. “So, it looks like there’s two openings, is there a motion to appoint Mrs. Plaisted and Deidra Scott?”

Commissioner David Austin made a motion appointing Melissa Plaisted and Deidra Scott to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board, with Commissioner Gail Fry seconding the motion.

Morse then explained that the Toccoa Planning Commission also has two seats that will expire on June 30, 2020; however, he says both current members have agreed to serve an additional term.

“Also, effective June 30, two board members on the Toccoa Planning Commission will expire: Mrs. Suzie Bellamy and Mrs. Billie Thompson. Both of those individuals have agreed to serve another term,” Morse said.

Commissioner Jeanette Jamieson made a motion appointing Suzy Bellamy and Billie Thompson to serve another term on the Toccoa Planning Commission, with Fry seconding the motion.

Both motions were approved unanimously.