Summer Movies at the Ritz Ending Tomorrow

Main Street Toccoa’s Summer Movies at the Ritz series is hosting its last showing for the summer tomorrow with the movie, Moana.

The series began back in June and ran every Thursday through June and July.

Main Street Manager Christian Hamilton said this has been another successful year of the Summer Movie series.

At the last Downtown Development Authority meeting, they estimated that after tomorrow’s showing, over 2,000 people have attended the series this year.

Hamilton said this event is a way to support economic development.

“We do this event to support economic development in downtown Toccoa and to support the opportunity for everyone to come see a summer movie,” said Hamilton. “We appreciate the attendance, we appreciate the fact that Toccoa residents come to our beautiful historic theatre, spend some time with family at this affordable event. We thoroughly enjoy doing it every year and can’t wait to do it again next year.”

Hamilton said they look forward to a big crowd for their final showings tomorrow at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Movie tickets and all concessions are $1.

Summer Movies at the Ritz will be back next year.