Stephens County voters can still request absentee ballot applications

Stephens County voters can still request absentee ballot applications for the upcoming November 8th election.

According to Stephens County Election Supervisor Krista Terry, August 22 marked the first day absentee ballot applications could be requested.

The deadline to request an absentee ballot application is October 28, 2022.

Terry says there are a few more important dates to remember prior to the November 8th election.

She says the last day to register to vote and be eligible to vote in the November 8th election is October 11, 2022.

Terry says early voting will start on October 17 and run through November 4.

She says they will have two Saturdays for early voting on October 22 and October 29.

Early voting will be held in the Stephens County Historic Courthouse and will run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 17 through November 4.

The Saturday Early Voting days will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will also be held in the Historic Courthouse.

For questions regarding the November 8th election contact Terry by calling 706-886-8954.