Stephens Co. Commission Makes Approvals in Tuesday’s Meeting

The Stephens County Commission approved the motion to enter into an agreement for a site visit of the Lake Louise Dam at their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday.

Stephens County Administrator Phyllis Ayers said that the inspection is meant to help the county get suggestions for upgrading the dam.

“We’re just going to have them look at it and give us any suggestions that we might want to consider,” said Ayers.

Another item that was approved by the Commission on Tuesday was the request for LMIG funding for the 2017 Off System Safety Project.

This project will allow the county to install signs or pavement markings on 45 county roads.

Ayers said that this funding is in addition to the regular check that the county receives from state funds.

“Every year, the state, based on how many miles of road you have, they release you an amount of money that you have got to put 30 percent match in,” said Ayers. “This money is on top of our big check. They’ve got extra, so we took a stab at trying to get it. It’s sort of hard to turn down free money sitting there.”

Another approval made during the County Commission’s Tuesday night meeting was the changes to the land use ordinance.
These changes include defining a farm animal, livestock and what is considered a structure. There was also changes made to the permitted use and district requirement sections.