SOS Raffensperger says November 3 Election was a success

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the November 3, Election was a success.

Raffensperger says that the average wait time on election day was just two minutes, which he says is no small feat.

He says this election broke records in terms of new poll workers and ballots cast.

“We had an average of two-minute wait times, it did get up to five minutes at times, but we worked that down to two minutes average wait time statewide. We had 4.7 million Georgians that voted, and this is the first time in 20 years that we have a verifiable paper ballot trail, and that was well received by voters. We had to recruit 53,000 new poll workers, and that was obviously due to COVID, so we had an awful lot on our plate, but it was a solid success.”

Raffensperger says across the state there were less than 10 precincts that extended their hours past 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Counties have until Friday, November 6, to certify the results from Tuesday’s election.

Raffensperger says after the counties certify their results, the state will begin its process to audit the election in Georgia.

For questions regarding the November 3 Election visit the Secretary of State’s Website at