Sewer Spills monitored, no action required

City officials have provided WNEG News with a notice regarding two sewer spills that resulted from the heavy rains early this week. 

According to the notice, on January 9, a city worker found two manholes overflowing. 

The first Sanitary Sewer Overflow, which is defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a release of untreated or partially treated sewage from a municipal sanitary sewer, was located at 782 Poplar Street. City crews were dispatched to monitor the situation. There was no corrective action to be taken as the collection system was inundated from heavy, incessant rainfall. The overflow amount is estimated to be 1,000 gallons. The discharge entered a small unnamed creek adjacent to the manholes. 

A second Sanitary Sewer Overflow condition was found at the Ward Creek lift station and subsequent lines that tie into the lift station. The overflow was also caused by heavy rainfall overwhelming the sewer collection system. The overflow amount was approximately 8,000 gallons. The discharge entered Ward Creek.

City officials stated that there are no known water intake points within twenty miles of either overflow site.