September-Nearing First Month of School in Stephens

With this being the first day of September, we will soon be approaching the first month of school.

Stephens County School System Superintendent Dr. Daniel Oldham tells WNEG news that dealing with a pandemic has required adjustments, but feels that everyone involved has handled it well. “I think the biggest adjustment are things we have implemented to create social distancing to prepare everyone for whatever can happen. I think everyone has adjusted as well as can be expected. The start of the school year is always difficult, but doing it in the midst of all we are dealing with has just put some extra circumstances in our path. We have come together and work well to try and address those things, and we also know there are certainly things that are going to come up that we might not know at this point and time. Things can change and we are just trying to be as flexible as possible to meet all of those circumstances.”

Oldham reminds parents that the 20 day trial period for students and parents to decide if they want to switch to in-person instruction or virtual learning is September 9th. He says that so far the reports have been positive for those that chose virtual learning. “We have had a fairly large increase from the beginning of planning and calling in the numbers of who is going to be virtual and the opening of school and it has risen to a little over 1,000 students who have taken the virtual option. So far from the parents who have reached out to me and other administrators I hear that it is going well. It is certainly different from last year. Last year we had to switch to a virtual setting over a weekend. This time we had the summer to plan. I do feel we are more prepared, and have had that feedback.”

Oldham says that he is glad that the school system gave the students and parents the two options. “Most parents have been thankful for the option. It’s different from last year. I think that was one of the concerns that it was going to be the same, and I have heard that it (virtual learning) is much better. I can’t say that it is perfect. We are building the plane as we are flying it, but I think each day we are getting a little bit better at it and making adjustments. So I think it has been a positive.”

For questions regarding schools in Stephens County contact the Stephens County School System by calling 706-886-9415.