SCH and Piedmont Healthcare finish 90 day market study

Piedmont Healthcare has approached Stephens County Hospital in hopes of developing affiliated services.

According to Stephens County Hospital Chief Executive Officer Roger Forgey, following the completion of the 90-day study of market needs, Piedmont Healthcare expressed interest in the two healthcare systems forming an affiliation to extend the services offered by Stephens County Hospital.

However, Forgey says they have yet to have a formal discussion at this time.

He adds that if the Stephens County Hospital Authority expresses an interest in the offer, then additional meetings will take place; but, at this time, Stephens County Hospital will continue to explore, on their own, what services are needed in the community.

Forgey adds that Stephens County Hospital is a community hospital and its sole purpose is to serve the healthcare needs of the community.

In August, the two organizations signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (LOI), forming a symbiotic relationship in hopes of strengthening SCH’s ability to serve the people of Northeast Georgia, remain a remain a regional provider of healthcare to the counties served and enhance the hospital’s services offered to its community.

During the 90-day period, the two organizations worked to develop a strategic plan to boost the current standards of healthcare and administrative fiduciary practices.

Again, the Stephens County Hospital Authority has yet to decide if they will move forward with talks of an affiliation with Piedmont Healthcare.

WNEG News will continue to provide coverage as additional information is released.