SCBC will hold 2nd reading of proposed FY21 budget this morning

The Stephens County Board of Commissioners will meet this morning in a special called meeting to hold the second reading of the mid-year Fiscal Year 2021 budget.

During last week’s commission meeting, County Administrator Phyllis Ayers provided the board with an overview of the proposed budget.

She says the proposed $44-million budget includes several items that should be highlighted, including SPLOST VII.

She says outside of some one-time adjustments, the revenue is expected to remain flat.

Ayers adds that the county has also budgeted a 2 percent pay increase for full and part-time employees.

Again, this morning the Commission will meet by teleconference for the second reading of the 2021 Budget.

The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Anyone wishing to attend the meeting, can dial-in at 425-436-6345. After dialing in you’ll be prompted to input the code 585174 to join the meeting.