SCBC Post 4 candidates talk Zoning Regulations

During last week’s Political Forum, Moderator Dawn Jameson, asked the qualifying candidates for Post 4 of the Stephens County Board of Commissioners, if they were in support of County Zoning Regulations.

James Addison was the first to respond.

“I worked on the committee that developed the current zoning regulations, and it took 18 months of hearing people complain, people argue, people crying about the zoning regulations, but we made the decision to move forward with the zoning, and we decided that we have to make it work, and we made it work, and its working today,” Addison said.

Melvin Barrett felt that the community benefitted by having zoning regulations.

“I support zoning regulations as long as it benefits the community; but, if they come in to our homes and turn our thermostats down to 65 degrees because they passed a law saying they could, then I’m against that,” Barrett said.

Bryan Dooley explains that the current zoning regulations need to be updated to fit Stephens County.

“Because I headed up the group against Wilbros, I know that we need zoning regulations; however, do I believe zoning can be a living and breathing document? I think we need to make some changes to better suit what has happened and what is soon to come,” Dooley said.

Jim Ledford suggests that it is appropriate for the county to regulate property zoning; however, he did not believe the county should regulate sign ordinances.

“I am for some zoning and against some, I am for some ordinances, but I am not for that sign ordinance,” Ledford said.

Henry Moore took a firm stance.


“I think regulating ordinances is becoming a necessity in Stephens County; now do I support it–Nope,” Moore said.

WNEG News will continue tomorrow morning with additional highlights from the Political Forum.