SCBC nominates 9 to fill three seats on SCHA

The Stephens County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday for its regular scheduled meeting; during which, the board nominated 9 individuals to be considered for three seats on the Stephens County Hospital Authority.

County Chairperson Michelle Ivester presented the list of nominees.

“We have, on our list, and these are for three position on the Hospital Board, Stephen Caudell, Mac McAllister, Paul Defoor, Ed Carman, Isaac White, Kelli Austin, Cody Cobb, Clay Fisher, and Fredda Wheeler,” she said.

Commissioner Dean Scarborough explained that Clay Fisher currently sits on the Hospital Authority Board; however, he was originally nominated for an unexpired term.

“And just a note, Clay Fisher is currently on the board, that’s because he filled an unexpired term that’s expiring, so this will be for the next term,” he said.

Scarborough made a motion approving the list of nominations with Vice Chair James Addison seconding the motion.

The motion was approved 4-0 with Commissioner Dennis Bell being absent.

The Stephens County Hospital Authority will take the list of nominees and select three to serve on the board.