Pool at Recreation Center Closed for Repairs

The pool at the Stephens County Recreation Center is closed and could be closed for some time.

On Monday, Recreation Center Director Richard Adams said he had to close the pool last week because of problems with the heating and air conditioning system.

Adams the problem began in 2001 when the entire HVAC system was installed incorrectly.

Over the years, the system began to deteriorate until last week when the fan on the heater finally quit altogether.

“The heaters got rusted out from the chemicals,” he explained. “So we relied on the fans to run to circulate the air because they didn’t put a pool pack in when they first installed it. So I’m getting prices on repairs today. We’re looking at putting a pool pack in it and redoing it after I can get a price and get the Commissioners to agree on it.”

Adams said patrons of the pool have been complaining recently about chlorine burning their eyes.

He said, however, the chlorine balance in the pool is as it should be.

Adams says the chlorine problem is really a result of the broken HVAC system.

“I’ve been doing the pool maintenance the last two months and the chlorine was perfect,” Adams said. “I even had it taken three times to professionals and have them check it. The reason it was bothering peoples’ eyes is because there was no circulation pulling it out. That’s when the fan quit. But the chemicals in the pool are fine.”

Adams said the entire HVAC system will have to be ripped out and a new system put in that is specifically for indoor pools.

Once the bids are in, the County Commission will have to review them and vote on how to proceed with repairs.

Adams had no definite time frame for when the repairs would be made and the pool re-opened.