Plans are in motion to continue operations at 911 Center after employee test positive for COVID-19

A Stephens County E911 employee has tested positive for COVID-19.

According to Stephens County Board of Commission Chairman Dennis Bell, all of the employees at the call center have since been tested.

“They are all being tested,” he said. “They will be in quarantine, and to my knowledge no one else has come in contact with anyone from outside agencies. Everyone that works there will be tested. We’ve got washers and dryers and bedding in place for them, because we want them to stay there in quarantine.”

Bell says the 911 Center will continue to operate as normal.

“We’re going to have the seven that were exposed to this staying home, then we’re bringing in the seven that were on rotation will be staying here at the 911 center. I want the public to know that there is no need to worry about somebody not answering your 911 call, because we’ve got it taken care of,” he said.

Lastly, Bell reminds residents to continue to practice social distancing.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.