Open Arms Clinic named winner of 13th annual Festival of Trees

The winner of the thirteenth annual Festival of Trees has been announced.

According to Main Street Toccoa Events Coordinator Sharon Crosby, this year, Open Arms Clinic received the most votes.

The Festival of Trees was held on December 4 in downtown Toccoa, as part of Toccoa’s annual Christmas Fest.

Crosby says there were 11 trees on display in front of ten businesses.

For $1, visitors were able to vote for their favorite tree.

Businesses and non-profit organizations decorated the trees, many with themes that reflected their organization.

Each group received the proceeds from their votes.

In addition to the money received from the vote, the tree with the most votes won a $500 grand prize.

The tree with the most votes was sponsored by the Open Arms Clinic and was set up on Tugalo Street in front of CK Morgan and Company.