Hatchett, Erwin talk about mental health during Pre-Legislative Coffee Event

The annual Pre-Legislative Coffee event draws crowd of citizens with concerns regarding mental health and the Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit Program.

On Thursday, State House Representative for District 32 Chris Erwin and 50th District State Senator Bo Hatchett came before the group to discuss the top issues and their insights to challenges and concerns for the upcoming Legislative Session.

Stephens County Hospital Chief Executive Officer Van Loskoski asked the two officials to look into the rating system for the Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit Program.

Erwin told Loskoski that he has plans to bring this up during the start of the Legislative Session.

Loskoski then asked for Erwin’s thoughts on Mental Health issues.

Erwin explained that they will have to look at the data before finding a solution to issues with Mental Health.

Hatchett explained that there needs to be a different solution than how mental health is treated currently.

WNEG News will continue to look at the topics that were discussed at the Pre-Legislative Coffee next week.