Habersham County Schools on 3-Hour Delay Thursday

The following is a statement from the Habersham County School System:
“We expect that everyone is aware that our area may receive very severe storms and possible tornadoes in the early morning hours tomorrow.

The National Weather Service has informed us that the timing of the worst storms for Habersham County is 7:00am to 9:00am.   This, of course, is the worst possible timing for our school system considering that both buses and student drivers will be on the roads at that time.

School system officials have made the decision to do a 3 hour delay Thursday morning which means buses would not run until the worst of the storms have passed.  The delay also allows buses to run in daylight since it is now dark until almost 8:00am with the recent time change.

We will get the word out to our parents this afternoon so that they can plan for the delay.

If the timing turns out to be different than expected and severe storms/tornadoes are affecting our area we may have to change the delay to a closure tomorrow.  Parents should be aware of this possibility.”