Grant to serve as Republican Representative on Elections Board

For the Stephens County Republican Party, the third time was the charm.

After two nominations presented to the Stephens County Board of Commissioner were rejected, the Republican Party finally nominated a representative that the county commission supported.

Bill Grant was the first and third nominee to be considered by the commission.

When Grant was originally nominated, County Commissioners voted against the party’s recommendation, citing Grant had told several board members he was no longer interested in filling the seat.

During the recent county board meeting, Commissioner Dennis Bell asked Grant if he wanted to represent the republican party.

“When we first done this—I want to make sure that I’m clear on this—Mr. Grant said he didn’t want to do it,” Bell said. “I’ll tell you, he’s educated well in it, he knows what he’s doing, and I was sad to hear him say he was going to give it up; but, I’m glad to hear he’s back. Now more than ever, we’ve got to take care of our election stuff, because it’s too easy for something to happen.”

Chairman Dean Scarborough and Commissioner Debbie Whitlock both made apologies to Bob Adams for the board rejecting his nomination.

Adams was the second nomination presented to the board.

“I would like to add that, Mr. Bob (Adams), I apologize us not getting you passed, cause you also agreed to step forward; but, the way the vote takes place that just the way the vote takes place,” Scarborough said.

“I’d like to say something,” Whitlock said. “Mr. Adams, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. You were nominated. I had to be in court and I wasn’t here when the vote came up, because it wasn’t actually done the first time, and I’m really sorry. I appreciate you. I appreciate your willingness to step forward when everyone else was kind of hesitating and didn’t want to do it, and you’re ready to go. I’m just really sorry.”

Commissioner James Addison made a motion to accept the new nominee, Bell seconded that motion.

The motion passed unanimously.

Grant will serve a four-year term as the Republican representative on the county’s Board of Elections.

The Board of Elections is made up of Stephens County Registrar Eureka Gober, Democratic Representative Agnes Oglesby and Grant.