Deerchase Road repair back on track after utility companies plan to move lines

As of Tuesday afternoon, all utilities have responded with a plan of action for moving existing lines on Deerchase Road so that the Stephens County Road Department can install three new pipes and repair the portion of collapsed road.

According to Stephens County Administrator Phyllis Ayers, once all utilities have been moved, the county will begin work on repairing the road.

After heavy rainfall, several weeks ago, pooled and collapsed a bridge on Deerchase Road, the Stephens County Road Department has been working to repair the road so that residents of Deerchase will be able to regain entrance to their road as soon as possible.

As previously reported, the Stephens County Road Department were developing drainage calculations to determine the correct structure to fit the drainage.

Ayers added that the project has been a main priority for both the county and the City of Toccoa.

WNEG News will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.