Currahee Military Weekend plans impacted by COVID-19 concerns

Due to COVID-19 several of the events centered around the Currahee Military Weekend have been canceled.

The entire weekend has not been canceled as of today; however, depending on the social distancing guidelines that will be in place in October, this could eventually be the case.

According to Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce President Julie Paysen the USO Swing Dance, Book-signing, Currahee Challenge, Parade, Veterans Banquet, and Public Military Reenactment have all been canceled.

Paysen adds that once we get closer to October, an official press release for the entire weekend will be released.

Depending on COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions, additional activities could be offered; however, at this time, Paysen says it’s just too early to decide.

But, Paysen says there is one event that is still slated to happen.

She says the Chamber’s Annual Chicken-Que will be held on Friday, October 2, from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Hope Center located at 158 S. Broad Street.

Plates will include: half chicken, applesauce, beans, chips, bread and cookie.

Paysen says anyone wishing to purchase pre-purchased tickets can do so online at for $8.

Pre-purchased tickets will be available until September 30.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.