County buys attachments for equipment with SPLOST V funds

The Stephens County Board of Commissioners recently approved two purchases totaling just under $40,000.

One of the items purchased is a Cold Planer Skid Steer attachment from Yancey Cat for $19,924.

The second purchase was awarded to James Short Tractors and Equipment of Alto for a Skid Steer Mulcher in the amount of $19,497.

Both purchases, totaling $39,421, will be paid for from the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) V account.

In other business, the board voted and approved to authorize staff to begin the abandonment process for Marie Lane and Zebulon Branch Road.

Stephens County Administrator Phyllis Ayers says the county will no longer maintain the aforementioned roads.

For additional information regarding the recent Stephens County Board of Commissioners meeting contact County Clerk Beth Rider at 706-886-9491.