Corps of Engineers postpones shoreline dock fee increase

By MJ Kneiser, WLHR

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is delaying its plan to raise shoreline dock fees on its lakes and waterways across the Southeast.

In a short, one sentence press release issued late Monday afternoon, Corps spokesman Doug Garman said, “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is delaying the implementation of fee increases for shoreline permits in the South Atlantic region while USACE conducts a national review of the shoreline management program fees. The South Atlantic region will continue to operate the current Shoreline Management Program within its existing procedures and fees until further notice.”

On Monday, 9th District U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R) met with Major General

In a response to the Corp’s decision, said he was pleased the Corps of Engineers took Congress’s concerns on their plan to raise dock fees seriously.

“Residents of the Ninth District living on or near Lake Lanier and Lake Hartwell—and those throughout the southeast living near Corps waterways—will no longer be hit with significant and unexpected fee increases come January,” said Collins. “I want to thank Major General Holland for meeting with me today to discuss my concerns and explore ways in which the Corps could accomplish their intended goal without placing an undue burden on individuals and families living throughout the southeast. I look forward to continuing to engage with the Corps as they study this issue,” he concluded.

In June,  the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division announced a regionwide increase for all federal reservoir lakes and waterways in the Southeastern U.S., including Lake Hartwell.

Under the revised fee schedule, which would have gone into effect on January 1, 2020, new dock or facility permits would have increased from $400 to $835 and re-issue permits would have increased from $175 to $835 a year.

The following week, U.S. Representative for the 9th District, Doug Collins joined other Congressmen in the Southeast demanding an explanation from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on their decision to raise dock fees at all Corp-operated lakes and waterways in the South Atlantic region.

On June 28, 2019, the Corps responded to Members’ dated June 14, 2019, but Collins said they failed to provide adequate justification for the fee increases, and in August, the Congressmen sent a second letter asking for a more detailed explanation of the fee increases, claiming not all of their initial questions were answered.

“She was in a position. This has been going on for over 10 years and nobody would make a decision. They needed to do something. Unfortunately, it was not vetted as well as it should have been. She was willing to take corrective action and I give her a lot of credit for that. That’s what true leadership is. Leadership is being willing to change course if something is not working. And we’ll see what happens from here,” Collins told WNEG’s sister station WLHR Tuesday.

The Congressmen wanted to know why the Corps left the fee schedule unchanged for more than a decade and then decided to increase the amount exponentially. Explain why a more gradual phase-in to increase fees was not implemented.

Additionally, they wanted the Corps to explain why the Corps did not follow required notice and comment procedures under 5 U.S.C. 553

Finally, the wanted the Corps to provide evidence to justify the fee increase to $835.