Community receives update from representatives at Post-Legislative Coffee

Local leaders received an update on the recently completed state legislative session, on Monday, in Stephens County.

50th District State Senator John Wilkinson and 28th District State Representative Chris Erwin appeared before local leaders at a Post-Legislative Coffee event Monday in the Mitchell Allen Meeting Room at the Historic Train Depot in Toccoa.

Wilkinson said this session there were several controversial bills.

“If I looked at the bills passed this year’s legislation there is no way to make everybody happy, and I know that some issues are very emotional issues,” Wilkinson said. “I know that on some of the votes we made, some people would take a walk or they’re sick that day or they missed that vote; but, I always vote ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ I will tell you this, something else I’ve learned: It’s a lot easier to vote no than it is to vote yes. You can always find something wrong with a bill; but, you know, when you vote yes you kind of put yourself out there.”

One of which, Wilkinson said was the Fetal Heartbeat Bill which stops abortions from being legally performed as soon as a heartbeat is detected.

“One of the highlights of the session was passing the heartbeat bill; which, says that if you can detect a heartbeat in a baby, that an abortion cannot be performed. Now, everyone has their own opinion, but I just believe in the sanctity of life,” He said.

Erwin, who only served 11 days this session, said he’s been speaking to the leaders of District 28 in hopes of creating a list of things for him to work on getting accomplished.

“I’ll tell you what I did learn throughout this entire process that I’ve been through is the importance of us being represented,” Erwin said. “The importance of having a voice, and then the importance of doing something with that voice to improve our community. I spent some time last week, listening to all the chairmen of the commissions in our district here, and everyone of them had issues with their roads, they all had flooding in businesses, and problems going on, and what I learned real quick is you’ve got to listen and you’ve got to do something with it.”

Erwin adds that he will be ready for the next legislative session.

Monday’s Post-Legislative Coffee was sponsored by the Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce.