Chamber to Host Virtual Pre-Legislative Meeting Thursday

The Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual Pre-Legislative Meeting tomorrow.

Chamber President Julie Paysen says this year’s event will be virtual. “This time every year we have a Legislative coffee, but this year it will look a little bit different as everything else has for the last 12 months. We have a link available for the virtual gathering if you want to join in. Joining us will be Rep. Chris Erwin, and Senator elect Bo Hatchett. They will layout what they see ahead for the upcoming session, and then take questions on concerns and issues that you (the public) will like to see addressed.”

Paysen says questions can be submitted during the live call or before the session . “If anyone has questions that you would like to ask, there will be a place to type in your question, or if you would like to submit today you can call the office at 706-886-2132 and leave those questions or email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to make those available and present those to Rep. Erwin and Sen. Hatchett.”

The virtual pre-Legislative meeting is sponsored by AT&T and Paul Chambers will again be the emcee.

Paysen says the link to the meeting is readily available. “The link is available on our website under EVENTS. It is also listed as an Event on our Visit Toccoa Facebook page, and available in our weekly newsletter. If you are having a problem getting through on the link, you are welcome to call 706-886-2132.”

Paysen adds that for those unable to join the Live call, the meeting will be recorded and made available by the Chamber.