Chamber celebrates Friends of the Ritz with Ribbon Tying Ceremony

The Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce celebrated one of its members, Friends of the Ritz, on Wednesday with a Ribbon Tying Ceremony.

Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce President Julie Paysen says a ribbon tying ceremony symbolizes a community surrounding a business or organization in support of the services it provides.

The Ribbon Tying Ceremony took place at the Historic Ritz Theatre, in Toccoa.

Keith Kozicki is the Treasurer for Friends of The Ritz’s Executive Board.

He says the Friends of the Ritz was started in 2018.

“Friends of the Ritz was started in 2018. Our purpose is to provide additional programming, capital improvements, and marketing support for the Historic Ritz Theatre. We are fortunate to have a very active board of directors. They’ve been really dedicated and have provided a lot of support. We have over 50 active members. The thing I didn’t realize until yesterday, since we started our fundraising, we have raised almost $22,000 to support activities at the Ritz, which include sound system enhancements, additional furniture, in-kind donations, and additional programming,” he said.

Kozicki says Friends of the Ritz will be making an announcement in the coming weeks regarding upcoming programing at the Ritz.

Toccoa Mayor and Friends of the Ritz Board Member Evan Hellenga spoke about his interest in maintaining the Ritz Theatre.

“Ever since I’ve been on the Toccoa City Commission, I wanted to see this facility used. It’s one thing to own a building, but it’s another thing to maintain it, beautify it, and have a lot of functions going on inside. Our Main Street group has really added so much for the quality of life for the citizens in Toccoa. The musical acts, whatever flavor you like, when you come, you’ll eventually hear it. So, I think the quality-of-life aspect is something really special for a small town like this,” he said.

For additional information regarding Friends of the Ritz visit