BOE Approves Electric Vehicle Training Equipment, updated math curriculum

At the latest Stephens County Board of Education Meeting, held on Tuesday, March 19, Board members unanimously approved the purchase of $74,000 worth of electric vehicle training equipment to be used for education in the Automotive Pathway at Stephens County High School.

Prior to the vote on the agenda item, CTAE Director Rod Pipkin spoke to board members, explaining the purchase request, saying the purchase would be funded through an Electric Vehicles Grant. 

Also at the March 19 meeting, Board Members unanimously approved the purchase of an update to the Eureka Math Curriculum currently in use at Big A Elementary, Liberty Elementary, Toccoa Elementary and the 5th Grade Academy. 

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Brent Tuck spoke with Board Members prior to the vote, explaining that the upgrade to the new version of the Curriculum is necessary to stay inline with new state Math Standards. 

The cost of the new version of Eureka Math will be a total of $78,689.49, with the cost for 5th Grade Academy $10,153; Big A Elementary will be $13,899; Toccoa Elementary accounts for $25,879 of the cost; and Liberty Elementary will be $26,499. The expense will be funded from the FY2024 budget.