Board of Education approves motion to put SPLOST Resolution on Ballot in November

The Stephens County Board of Education signs off on a resolution to call for a vote on SPLOST VI.

Last week, the school board adopted the SPLOST VI resolution.

If approved, the Stephens County School System would continue to collect a one percent sales and use tax for the purpose of financing certain capital outlay projects for education purposes.

The one percent sales tax will automatically end, if the school system reaches $26 million of net proceeds by the tax.

According to Stephens County Schools Deputy Superintendent Matt Thompson the resolution needed to be adopted by the Board of Education to have it on the ballot in November.

A motion was made by Vice Chair Rod Moore adopting the SPLOST VI Resolution with Board Member Kay Reed seconding the motion.

The motion was approved 6-0 with Board Member Len Stovall being absent.

According to the resolution, the school system could use the money for everything from CTAE renovations to purchasing technology, athletic and band field upgrades, purchasing buses or maintenance equipment or safety and security equipment.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you updates as they become available.