Bear Spotted in Downtown Toccoa

A bear has recently been spotted within the Toccoa City limits around Paul Anderson Park and on East Tugalo Street.

Police Chief Tim Jarrell said that the police department is aware of the bear and they have been in contact with the Department of Natural Resources.

“We contacted the Department of Natural Resources and they’ve informed us to make sure that citizens leave the bear alone,” said Jarrell. “Do not approach it, don’t try to feed it and make sure you have garbage and pet food picked up and secured.”

The DNR told Jarrell that because Stephens County is surrounded by thousands of acres of wildlife management area, bears are known to roam.

The bear is a younger bear, but not a cub. Jarrell advises that if you come in contact with the bear, do not approach it.

“If someone comes in contact with it, walk away,” said Jarrell. “Don’t try to scare it, don’t run at it. If anyone has any property damage that’s been caused by the bear, they need to contact 911 and have us come out.”

Again, contact 911 if you experience any damage done by the bear.