Barden: Football Prep Going Well
As football teams across Georgia enter the state-mandated dead week with no activity this week, Stephens County High School Head Football Coach Frank Barden said preparations for next season are going well.
The Indians have worked since June 1 on weightlifting and conditioning.
Barden said the month of June has gone very well.
“The kids have done a great job running and lifting and working out,” said Barden.
Barden said that the line went to camp in south Georgia and skill players have performed well in 7-on-7’s.
Barden said that they will get back to work next week after the July 4th holiday and begin turning their attention to the upcoming season.
He said that fall practice in shorts can begin on July 25 and practice in pads will start on August 1.
The Indians open the 2015 season with a scrimmage on August 14.
The regular season opens on August 28 against Franklin County.