Anyone with a pending court case in State Court who has moved needs to update the Clerk of Courts Office

Stephens County Clerk of Court Tim Quick has announced that anyone who has been arrested or received a ticket and has moved needs to contact the Stephens County Clerk of Courts Office within the next week to avoid a bench warrant.

“I wanted to let everyone know that on March 12th and 17th we had state court—state court is your traffic offenses as well as your misdemeanor offenses—We had a tremendous amount of no-shows. We know that we have not been able to have court for 5 months, and we know that a lot of people have moved. Judge Irvin wanted me to notify everyone that has a pending criminal case in state court, if for any reason, the address that appears on your traffic ticket is incorrect for where you live now, or if you were arrested and you have a different address than what you provided the bonds person there’s a chance you didn’t receive your notice. We do not want to lock up everyone on a bench warrant or suspend license, so if you will contact my office and provide us with your new address, we will give you a new court date. If you don’t provide us a new address in the next couple of weeks then we will issue bench warrants for failure to appear,” he said.

Additionally, he adds that anyone who received a notice for superior court and did not show up on Thursday, the judge has issued bench warrants.

Again, if you have been arrested or received a ticket and have moved you need to notify the Stephens County Clerk of Court Office at 706-886-9496.