Annual East Tugalo Street Halloween Event Cancelled

Residents of Toccoa-Stephens County continue to feel the effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic; however, this time, another beloved tradition has been put on hold for this year.

According to Toccoa City Commissioner and East Tugalo Street resident Gail Fry, the residents of East Tugalo Street from Paul Anderson Park to Boulevard have decided not to celebrate Halloween this year.

The street will not be closed to traffic as residents will not be passing out candy.

Fry says since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp are discouraging large gatherings, the residents felt it would be irresponsible to host the event this year.

For many years the street has passed out candy to thousands of Trick-or-Treaters, but, Fry says, the health and safety of the community comes first.

Another Halloween event that has been canceled this year is the annual Downtown Toccoa Costume Parade.