AAA Offering Free Tow to Go Rides Over Thanksgiving Holiday

With the number of Thanksgiving travelers in Georgia expected to reach over 1.57 million, including more than 1.4 million people who plan to travel by car, AAA and Budweiser have teamed up to offer their free Tow-to-GO service that promotes safe holiday driving.

Triple-A spokesman John Pecchio says the Tow-to-Go program is their way to fight impaired driving during the holidays.

“We want to make sure everyone has a safe plan in place to get home safely, said John Pecchio, AAA spokesperson. “That means staying where you’re celebrating, using a taxi or ride-share company, having a designated driver, or using AAA’s Tow-to-Go program. AAA will come out and take you and your vehicle home or to a safe location within a 10-mile radius, no questions asked. The service is available to AAA members and the motoring public.”

Pecchio said Tow to Go has safely removed more than 25,000 impaired drivers from roads across the Southeast and the Midwest since 1998.

Now in its 20th year, Tow to Go has encouraged ride-share or a designated driver as prevention of impaired drivers from getting behind the wheel and risking the lives of other motorists.

Pecchio notes the free service could save you a lot of money in the long run.

“The consequences of impaired driving are significant,” Pecchio said. “They range from jail time, to court costs, to hospital expenses, to lawyers’ fees, to lost wages and more. The average DUI can set you back approximately $10,000. So, if you don’t have a plan in place, please utilize AAA’s Tow-to-Go program for the safety of yourself and everyone else out on the roadways.”

Tow to Go is available today through 6a Sunday morning, November 25th by calling (855) 2-TOW-2-GO or (855) 286-9246.