9-11 Program Canceled Due To Irma

A local 9-11 program has been canceled due to the effects of Hurricane Irma.

Woodman Life Chapter 47, Toccoa has made a decision to cancel the In Honor and Remembrance program that was scheduled for today at the Carnes Creek Fire Department. They encourage anyone who would like to visit the fire department and view the flagpole and plaque that has been presented to the department in memory of those who lost their lives on September 11,2001 and to please take a moment to remember them and their families.

A statement from Nora Waters of WoodmanLife, Chapter 47 said quote “we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but do not want to endanger anyone. WoodmanLife members are remembering and praying for the safety of all in the path of Hurricane Irma especially those who are serving to protect others.”