83 Angels still left without gifts for Angel Tree Program

Tomorrow is the final day to drop off gifts for the Toccoa Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program.

However, Salvation Army Social Worker Brenda Gragg is concerned that not every Angel will have their request fulfilled.

She says there are over 700 angels that have signed up to be recipients of the program in Stephens County alone, and of those, around 83 still have yet to have their request met.

Gragg says this year there are two links you can go to, the first is through Wal-Mart which will recommend gifts for children and will allow you to have gifts delivered to the Salvation Army of Toccoa;  the second is through the Salvation Army where you can sign up to adopt an Angel.

Those links are as follows:

This is the link to adopt: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.tsamm.org%2fangeltree%2f%3fc%3d9B3AA2709C85DBA67B6F4901FBABC732F44CF074&c=E,1,veum48c0zJDA09n9DbGCqiRrlXEvh5JTbfFqiPcHBV-VxEx4vRYax20CUQqyEp0WBymwiTNM3LB9VRxpGeBTR7p70iWR9kEiNgtB_qY6&typo=1

Following is the link to go to the Toccoa Salvation Army’s Registry for Walmart.  This is like a Bridal Registry so donors can be directed to this to help us with the Angel Tree.  The link is currently active so share as you are able:


For questions regarding the Toccoa Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program call Gragg at 706-886-5293.