Stephens County Hospital earns 4-star rating

Stephens County Hospital has earned a 4-star overall rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid posted on the Hospital Compare website in recognition of the facility’s excellent ratings in patient satisfaction, quality, and value.

Hospital Compare has information about the quality of care at over 4,000 Medicare-certified hospitals.

The overall rating ranges from one to five stars and shows how well each hospital performed, on average, compared to other hospitals in the U.S.

The more stars, the better a hospital performed on the available quality measures.

The overall rating summarizes up to 57 quality measures on Hospital Compare reflecting common conditions that hospitals treat, such as heart attacks or pneumonia.

Stephens County Hospital’s Chief Executive Office Roger Forgey said, “Stephens County Hospital is the only hospital in our area to receive this rating and this recognition means that our community can receive four-star care right here at home.  Celebrating milestones, such as moving from 3 stars to 4 stars within the last year, is a crucial part of our hospitals’ collective journey to highly reliable healthcare.”

Forgey added, “We’re very proud of our hospital team members for their strong and shared commitment to patient satisfaction, quality, and safety. They are an inspiration to all hospitals across the state striving to provide measurable high-quality care for every patient.”

According to Tina DeBord, Vice President of Health Information Management and Quality at Stephens County Hospital, Medicare publishes information about hospital quality on the Hospital Compare Web tool at

Hospital Compare gives you a “snapshot” of how well hospitals in our area, and around the nation, care for patients with certain conditions. You can use Hospital Compare to find hospitals and compare the quality of their care.

Habersham Medical Center, located in Demorest, received a 2-star rating and St. Mary’s Sacred Heart Hospital, in Lavonia, received a 3-star rating.