2020 Census ends tomorrow

The 2020 Census enumeration ends tomorrow, and Stephens County leaders are urging anyone who hasn’t responded to do so soon.

The 2020 Census will determine how $1.5 trillion in federal funding is distributed throughout the nation.

Each person, in Georgia, not counted equals a loss of $2,500 per year in federal and state funding.

Over the next decade, that equates to a loss of $25,000 per person.

Additionally, the Census determines Congressional representation.

Currently Georgia is ranked 47th out of the 50 states in Census response, which means our state could lose a congressional seat and vital funding for services we use every day.

It typically takes less than 10 minutes to complete the census form online. Participants may fill the survey out online, by phone or by mail.

The questions on the 2020 Census ask how many people live in the residence; if the home is rented, owned, or other; and a phone number to contact you only in the case of official Census Bureau business.

If you don’t complete your form, Census employees may visit your home up to six times to attempt to help you complete the count.

They’ll have identification to ensure residents know they’re with the Census Bureau, and their questions will pertain only to the tally.

Again, you have until Wednesday, September 30 to complete your Census response.

For more information or for answers to frequently asked questions, visit www.2020census.gov.