TCC approves Proclamation for Retired Educators

The Toccoa City Commission approved a proclamation in honor of retired educators during its meeting on Monday.

The proclamation designates November 1 as Retired Educators Day.

According to Vice Mayor Evan Hellenga, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has proclaimed November 1, 2020 as Retired Educators Day in Georgia; and therefore, the city will also follow suit with its own proclamation.

There are more than 135,000 retired educations in Georgia, with over 31,000 of them being members of the Georgia Retired Educators Association.

Because retired educators of Georgia donate thousands of hours of volunteer service and make invaluable contributions to the welfare of the respective communities across the state, the Toccoa City Commission feel that is appropriate that a day be designated for citizens to express their appreciation for the contributions that retired educators have made and continue to make for the betterment of human lives and for society.

Commissioner Jeanette Jamieson made a motion approving the proclamation with Commissioner Gail Fry seconding the motion.

The motion was approved 4-0.