Stephens County Sheriff Candidates Respond to WNEG Questions

Earlier this week, WNEG News contacted all three candidates for Stephens County Sheriff, inviting them to answer a series of questions regarding their platform, and their plans, if elected. Today, throughout the day’s news broadcasts, we will be airing responses from the candidates who responded. Both candidates who responded were asked the same set of questions. Answers are presented by candidate in alphabetical order. Candidates were not given a time limit for their answers. All questions and the candidates’ full answers are posted here.

What specific actions will you take to assure transparency from the Sheriff’s Department, and how do you plan to handle interactions with the media and public information dissemination?

Dennis Bell:

Rusty Fulbright:


What internal policies and procedures will you enhance or implement to ensure officer accountability and conduct?

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 

How do you create a balance between proactive crime prevention and the protection of citizen rights & privacy.

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright:

What are your views on the Sheriff’s Office responsibilities and challenges in dealing with the issue of mental illness in the community, especially in light of the large budgetary requirements for transportation of individuals for mental health evaluation or treatment. 

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright:

How do you plan to address staff morale and retention within the department, while maintaining a responsible budget?

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 

How do you plan to foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development in the department?

Dennis Bell:

Rusty Fulbright:

What initiatives do you have in mind for youth engagement and crime prevention, and how will you engage with schools and educational institutions for safety and awareness programs?

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 

What are the spending priorities in law enforcement? How can you assure citizens that every effort is being made to be frugal with their tax dollars, while still providing the necessary services. 

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 

Which decision did you make as a law enforcement officer that, in hindsight, you would do differently?

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright:

What are the most pressing needs in terms of the Stephens County Jail and in terms of jail management ?

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 


Is there anything in your past law enforcement career, either a part of your POST records, or not included in POST records, that you would like a chance to communicate to the voters about?

Dennis Bell:

Rusty Fulbright: 

If you are not elected, what proactive efforts will you take to support the acting sheriff of Stephens County. 

Dennis Bell: 

Rusty Fulbright: 

That concludes the candidate questions. Below are copies of each candidates POST file.