SCHS graduation rate for CTAE cohort trumps State average

Stephens County High School’s CTAE Fall Advisory Committee Meeting was held this week in Stephens County.

Stephens County Schools Deputy Superintendent Dr. Daniel Oldham welcomed the group of business leaders, educators, and students who attended the event.

Oldham spoke about how significance it is to a supportive community in Stephens County.

“I have learned that this community has a heart for CTAE, and that everyone talks about the programs and how great they are,” Oldham said. “But, beyond talking about it, to see this many people out, on a Monday night, is impressive. I was a CTAE Director in Thomasville, and we couldn’t get about half or maybe even a third of this crowd to come out. So, thank you so much for supporting these kids, the CTSO, and for this program as a whole. I want to thank you again for coming out to the Fall Advisory Committee Meeting.”

SCHS Assistant Principal and CTAE Director Teresa Phillips presented several updates for existing CTAE pathways and a few new pathways that are being developed.

One of the new programs anticipated to begin in the Spring of 2020, is Aviation.

This program will be a partnership between Bill Mercure and SCHS.

One of the existing pathways that has received some changes is the CNA pathway, which will now include additional clinical opportunities for students to narrow down what branch of healthcare they want to work in.

The clinical opportunities will be fulfilled at Stephens County Hospital.

Phillips says that at SCHS, the goal isn’t just to have students simply graduate, but more so, to have students graduate prepared to enter the workforce or continue their education.

She also announced that SCHS’s 2019 graduation rate for students who participate in CTAE was higher than the state’s average.

“Okay, I have a few program updates that we will talk about before we get into our highlights,” she said.  “And one to recognize is the state graduation rate for CTAE. When the data is calculated at the state department, when they do the overall graduation rate and all the other date that goes along with the CCRPI (College and Career Ready Performance Index), they also pull the CTAE graduation cohort out of that information. The state graduation rate for the State of Georgia was 96.54 percent. The graduation rate for the CTAE cohort out of last year’s graduating class from Stephens County High School was 98.96 percent.”

For additional information regarding the CTAE pathways contact Phillips at 706-886-6825.