SCBC Post 4 candidates answer question about hospital funding during Candidate Town Hall

WNEG News erroneously left out Republican Candidate Chris Rickman in the original posting of this article. Below is the updated article with his comments.


The Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce’s sponsored Candidate Town Hall gave citizens an opportunity to hear from the candidates who have qualified for the Stephens County Board of Commissioners and the Stephens County Board of Education posts.

Dawn Jameson was the moderator for the event. One of the questions Jameson asked the Stephens County Board of Commissioners candidates was how they felt about the county budgeting funds for the Stephens County Humane Shelter while no funds are budgeted for the Stephens County Hospital.

“Currently, the county allots $180,000 each year to our humane shelter; yet, no money is budgeted for our local hospital. If elected would you support continuing to fund the humane shelter at this rate, while telling the hospital that gave $11-million in free healthcare to citizens of our community last year that there is no money in the budget for them,” she asked?

These are the responses from the candidates for Post 4.

Republican Incumbent James Addison says the county provides funding for both the Humane Shelter and the Hospital.

“Yes, we do give the money to the humane shelter, we also give money to the hospital. We give money to our ambulance service. It’s not that we’re not giving them money. I don’t know the correct amount that we give them, but it is out there that we give them money. No, I don’t want to raise taxes to keep our hospital, but I do want to keep our hospital…I feel really good about our hospital and I feel very good about our new administrator we just got to get behind him and support him,” James Addison said.

Republican challenger Russ Addison says the hospital is a private business and the humane shelter is a county-owned entity.

“Well again, you’re talking about a private business versus a county-owned entity, so you have to look at that. You also have to know the books as to why we give how much money to who. Did we just give it to Stephens County Hospital, was it paid back by Stephens County Hospital? I’ve heard stories from both. Until you see the books you can’t just believe what you hear on the street. Again, was it paid back by the hospital; I don’t know. If we do give money to the hospital, should we put steps in place to assure that the hospital becomes self-efficient moving forward. Should we bring in a third party to look at their finances, instead of blatantly giving them money; I think we should. We should put in steps that have to be met before we give them any more money after that,” Russ Addison said.

Republican challenger Jesse Pitts says the county needs to look into helping the hospital.

“It’s fine to fund the Animal Control Shelter; but, we need our hospital. We need to look into ways to help our hospital; but, I think it needs to be managed a little better on money-wise and where the money goes,” Pitts said.

Republican Challenger Chris Rickman says it’s important that Stephens County residents has access to quality healthcare.

“Both are important items, but obviously healthcare is one of the key items for the future of Stephens County. You got to have healthcare that’s reliable and dependable that citizens can count on. I would agree to providing funding to the humane society; but, the hospital deserves the support of Stephens County. Now, do I think that it’s the responsibility of the citizens of Stephens County to fund the hospital, no it’s not. The new management at the hospital has made tremendous strides in improving the quality of care and the funding base for the hospital. We need to work together and partner with the board of directors at the hospital as a county commission board to make sure the viability of the hospital remains and that Stephens County has multiple healthcare options to provide for its citizens,” he said.

Following their comments, Jameson explained that the county does provide funding to the hospital annually.

“I want to clarify a few things that the Stephens County 2022 Budget includes. There are $433,620 in indigent health care paid for out of the Stephens County Budget. There is $751,541 spent on ambulance service, $32,000 additionally is spent on fuel for the ambulances. $25,000 is spent for the maintenance of the ambulances. SPLOST Funds buy those ambulances. This is the county budget and all of it is on public record. $1,242,161 is for hospital and ambulance services paid for with tax-payer money,” Jameson explained.

WNEG News will run the answers from candidates for Post 1 during Friday’s newscasts.