Red Cross Asks You to Remember to Give Blood This Holiday Season

The American Red Cross is asking you to share your good health this holiday season by donating blood or platelets for patients in need.

A decline in donations occurs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day when donors are busy with holiday activities and travel.

However, medical conditions and emergencies that require blood don’t stop for the holidays.

That’s why the Red Cross is again urging healthy donors of all blood types to roll up a sleeve to help maintain the blood supply for patients in need.

And as always, all blood types are needed, but Type O, the universal blood type, is especially needed, according to Red Cross spokesperson Ronnika McFall.

“Type O negative is the universal blood type and what emergency room personnel reach for when there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations,” she said. “Type O positive is the most common blood type and can be transfused to Rh-positive patients of any blood type. Whether you’ve never donated or give a couple of times a year, you’re needed to give as soon as possible.”

There are several ways to donate blood. First by giving whole blood, which is the most common donation.

There’s also a donation called Power Red.  A Power Red donation collects the red cells but returns most of the plasma and platelets to the donor.  Power Red donors must meet specific eligibility requirements and have type A Neg, B Neg, or O blood.

You can also donate Platelets. This type of donation collects the platelets and some plasma and returns the red cells and most of the plasma back to the donor.

A platlet donation takes approximately one and-a-half to two and-a-half hours.

The next local Red Cross blood drive takes place November 20 from 2p to 7p at Glad Tidings Church of God and again on November 21 from 9a to 2p at Urgent Med Toccoa on Falls Road.

You can also make an appointment to donate blood or platelets by downloading the free American Red Cross Blood Donor App,or by going online to or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).