Kemp launches Georgia’s 2020 Census campaign

By MJ Kneiser, WLHR

Governor Brian P. Kemp has announced the official launch of Georgia’s 2020 Census campaign – Every. One. Counts.

National Census Day is April 1, 2020.

The U.S. Constitution requires a count of every resident in the nation every ten years, and for the first time in history, the Census will be conducted primarily online through a secure Census Questionnaire.

However hard-copy questionnaires will still be available for submission via telephone and mail.

The census questionnaire will be available in twelve, non-English languages.

Every resident is encouraged to fill out the census form and be counted because, according to U.S. Census Representative Jesse Clayton, an accurate count determines funding for programs in each county in Georgia.

Clayton says that for every person in the county that does not return their census forms, the county loses approximately $24,000 over a ten-year-period.

Many local programs, such as Senior Center funding, Meals on Wheels, Home Heating Assistance, and Headstart all receive federal funding and that funding is based on how many adults and children are recorded living in the area by the U.S. Census.

An accurate Census count also determines reapportionment of congressional and state legislative districts and informs community planning efforts across the country.

Beginning in March, households will begin to receive invitations from the U.S. Census Bureau to complete the Census Questionnaire online or via paper form.

If there’s no response by the end of March early April, Households will receive reminder postcards.

And if by the end of April there is still no response the U.S. Census Bureau will use “address canvassing.” That is, send people door-to-door – to connect with residents in person and ensure participation.