House District 28 Recount Tuesday Comes Out the Same as December 4th Results

The recount in the House District 28 Special Primary is over and all three counties reported no change from the December 4th results.

That means Republican businessman Chris Erwin is still the certified winner by just two votes.

On December 4th Erwin beat out Republican Incumbent Representative Dan Gasaway by a vote of 3,516 to Gasaway’s 3,513 in the court-ordered Special Primary.

Those results were certified last Friday by Interim Secretary of State Robyn Crittendon.

But on Monday, Gasaway asked for a recount, believing there were issues with provisional votes in Habersham County.

Gasaway said one of the provisional votes that was counted in Habersham was cast by a voter who did not live in the 28th District.

However, Habersham election officials still reported in their recount Tuesday that of the 10 provisional votes, four still went to Erwin and three still went to Gasaway.

The other three provisionals were not counted. Their final recounted tally Tuesday was Gasaway with 789 votes to Erwin’s 676.

In Stephens County, only one of the four provisional votes was counted on December 4 and it was the same Tuesday.

But questions arose during the recount Tuesday when the absentee by mail ballots did not initially agree with the December 4th count.

Of the 128 absentee ballots counted on December 4th, only 127 votes were counted by the scanner on Tuesday.

Stephens County Board of Elections members hand count absentee ballots after scanner results did not match

The Stephens County Board of Elections then conducted a hand-count where it was discovered one of the absentee by mail ballots had a check mark next to the candidate instead of a filled-in dot.

That was corrected by a Board member and a third count by the scanner came back as it had on December 4th.

All other card ballots also came back with the same number as the Special Primary.

The final recounted tally in Stephens County with all ballots counted was still Gasaway with 1598 votes to Erwin’s 1086.

In Banks County each candidate received one vote each of the two provisional ballots cast and the results were the same with Erwin winning with 1759 votes to Gasaway’s 1192.

Late Tuesday afternoon, Gasaway told WNEG News he had not yet decided whether to move forward with another lawsuit.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you more information as it becomes available.