Halloween Holiday Brings Greater Risk for Motorists, Trick-or-Treaters

Just a reminder that little trick or treaters will be lining the streets of downtown Toccoa this morning for the annual preschooler Halloween Costume Parade.

There will also be lots of other Halloween events going on in and around our area.

“Many commuters will be driving home during the same time children and their families are out trick-or-treating,” said Garrett Townsend, GA public affairs director, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “AAA reminds motorists to put down distractions and help make the roads safe for everyone.”

Additionally, many people will be leaving work early to get their children ready to go trick or treating. So, you should expect heavier-than-normal traffic earlier this afternoon.

Motorists should also expect more pedestrians on the road as children and families set out to go trick-or-treating through neighborhoods this evening.

Halloween ranks as one of the top three days of the year for pedestrian injuries and fatalities, and Triple-A is offering a few Halloween safety reminders for motorists:

Put The Phone Down. It is now against the law to text and drive and to hold a cellphone while driving in the State of Georgia.

Drive Slower Through Neighborhoods. Driving five miles per hour slower than the posted speed limit will give you extra time to react to children who dart out in front of you.

Turn Your Headlights On. Turning on your headlights will make you vehicle more visible – even in the daylight.

Drive Sober. Nearly 40 percent of fatal crashes on Halloween night involve a drunk driver.

So, always designate a sober driver if you plan to drink any alcohol at that Halloween party.

And if you don’t have a designated driver, call a cab, a friend or loved one, or take advantage of AAA’s Tow to Go Program:

Tow to Go is a free service for both AAA members and non-members that provides safe rides home for those who did not plan ahead.

Tow to Go will be available today through 6am on Thursday, November 1st.

Tow to Go can be reached by calling (855) 2-TOW-2-GO or (855) 286-9246.